Payment & Pricing Options

We offer a range of payment options for your convenience and satisfaction.

Prompt Pay Discount

Receive a $0.10 per gallon discount when you pay for your oil delivery within 10 days.

Why? We buy oil the same day that we deliver, and our suppliers charge us 10 days after we buy the oil. This can result in some large charges in the cold months. Receiving prompt payments helps us ensure we have sufficient funds to operate our business during the winter months - the discount is our way of saying thank you!

Automatic Payments

Pay your bill effortlessly with automatic credit card payments. It’s simple - just call our office, provide your information over the phone, and ask to go on auto-pay.

*BONUS - Automatically receive our $0.10 prompt pay discount when you sign-up for auto-pay!

Monthly Budget Plan

Now there's a way for you to gain more control over your budget... and say goodbye to unexpected high energy bills! Our budget plan divides your yearly fuel costs into equal monthly payments! So, no matter what Mother Nature sends our way and no matter what happens to energy prices, you'll have the peace of mind and convenience that comes from knowing exactly what your fuel budget is each month.


It's really simple. We examine your past usage to forecast next year's fuel costs. Then, we simply divide that amount into equal monthly payments from August through May. At the end of the budget season, we'll reconcile your budget payments against your actual usage and either credit your account for the following year or bill you for the remaining balance due. Don’t worry about a big surprise in May - we’ll track your actual costs all year and send you a monthly statement showing your true balance, so you know what to expect.

So rest easy and gain control of next winter's energy budget now. It's easy.... and smart! Simply give us a call and we'll set it up for you.

Key points to keep in mind with the Budget Plan:

  • Our budget plan begins in August. If you’d like to participate, please be sure to call the office to set-up your budget plan by August.

  • Since you’ll begin making payments in August before you use much heating oil, your account will likely show a credit balance for most of the year. This will catch-up once you start using more oil in the cold winter months, so it’s important to pay your monthly budget even if your statement has a credit balance. Any credit balance that remains at the end of the budget plan will be credited to your account for the following year.

PRice Cap Program

If you’re worried about the volatility of oil prices, worry no more! We offer an annual price-cap program that limits your oil price to a set maximum.

How it works:

  • We buy futures contracts and hedges on your behalf to set a price maximum for the year.

  • You pay an upfront fee (the fee is the cost of the hedging contracts) based on your expected oil usage to participate in the program. For example, if you use 1,000 gallons per year and the hedge costs $0.30 per gallon, you’ll pay a $300 fee to lock in your price cap.

  • Throughout the year, you’ll never pay more than your capped price per gallon. When the price is lower than the cap however, you’ll get to pay that lower price too. The price cap only kicks in if the cost of oil is higher than your price maximum.


Become a customer and enjoy the benefits of a Full Service, Locally owned and operated company!

Complete the form and we’ll contact you by the end of the next business day. Please call our office at 781-899-1424 if your request is urgent.